Chapter 3 - "A motley crew"

Chapter 3 – "A motley crew"

   2 Days later ...
Although it is already late in the evening, and the sun disappeared behind the horizon hours ago, it's shining bright outside. The reason is the excessive illumination of the surounding area. The security measures of this facility are simply absurd. The fear of industrial espionage is close to paranoia. Because of the constant illumination, some of the testers have trouble sleeping, which is why they have preferred to rent a room Outside the facility. I can not afford such a luxury. Although, they are also under constant surveillance even outside, so they couldn't give out any intell to any outsiders.
Many of the participants have been invited to the test program in advance. Alina is one of them. A balanced ratio of men and women from different asignments, with different social background and different interests. I am one of the few who came to this program through a regular application. Apparently, they tried to include the greatest possible variety of potential audiences to the test project - with success , as far as i can tell. Cyber-Diving is strictly prohibited to children due to the increased risks, so there are only adults in the testing group. Overall, we have 22 people, but we were told that the group would increase many times for the extendet two-month testing period and that the selection process is already running.

I wonder how they intend to get us all in the simulation at the same time, right now there is mearly enough equipment for the current group.

As I sluggishly let my thoughts pass, the huge plasma television in front of me is flickering with the Evening news. Pictures of destroyed buildings, weeping women and overcrowded hospital tents. Men in military uniforms digging some debris aside. The sound of the TV is off, everything is clear even without it. Although the tsunami on the Asian South Coast has already passed several weeks ago, the number of found victims is still rising rapidly. The UN accuses the Asian sector that the tsunami was the result of illegal weapons tests, who themselves accuse the Americans to have used geological weapons ... [What a mess ...]

I'm bored ... Whitch is strange. Given by such terror ... [ shouldn't this touch me somehow? …]
... I guess I'm just used to that. I see pictures like that in the news for as long as i can remember ... sometimes it's a derailed train, once an illegal chemical weapons test, terrorist attacks, or the victims after a militant demonstration ... how could a single person apply so much compassion?

[Impossible ...] If I would show compassion for the whole world, then there wold be nothing left for those who are close to me.

The last test in which I participated with Alina, was alredy two days ago. Since then I had practically nothing to do.

   There are three other people besides me in the sitting room:

Raul”, a middle-aged plump man whose parents emigrated from the Middle East, when he was still a kid. I can not manege to remember his last name. His profession has something to do with telecommunications and when he describes his job, then his work sounds very important. He is qite convival, but i find it difficult to talk to him about more complex matters. For me, his life-philosophie is a rddle: He could heggle in a shop for half an hour, about some trifle, just to push the price for another fife cent. But he is also willing to give the same little thing to the nex best person, out of pure kindhearthedness. Furthermore, he is not a complicated guy - he fell asleep on the couch half an hour ago.

Than, there is “Lindsay Rogers”, who is sitting at the coffee table with her back to the TV, and reading a book. She looks like a typical, rich, spoiled girl who considers herself to be "too good for this world." Usually, she wears retro-styled clothes, which make her look a bit old fashioned, in a verry stylish way. I also noticed, tha she meticulously paying attantion to details. A perfectionist. She is cold and repellent to others and acts as if she is above it all. All the more strange is, that she spends so much time in the presence of others. She probably just want to be recognized.

And lastly, “Samuel Boldwin” alias " Sammy ". A young expert in the fields of computer, science, and Japanese Hentai merchendice. A Nerd, as the saying goes. If someone had a question about the C-D technology, the virtual Vocation Program, or the U.T.O.P.I.A. System, then there are two people here that you could ask: Prof. Moldwood, and Sammy. Although I 'm not sure who gets the latest information earlier. His rebellious nature is clearly reflected in his look. Its not rare for him to whear t-shirts with provocative slogens, or generally clothes that dosn't fit the occasion. Furthermore, he is someone, who wears his heart on the thung.

They are Testers, like me. Other Employie are rarely seen in the Part of the Living Area, that is designated for us, with the only exception of Prof. Moldwood.

Suddenly, an electric "beep" sound can be heard through the room. It's Sammy's pad, the others have their pads currantly not with them. The pads were given to us at the start of the test phase, its our way to have access to detailed explanations on the functioning of the tests, the calendar with all important dates, the memo board and the in-house mail service. We had to give out our own telecommunications equipment for safekeeping, before entering the facility. Just so noone would "accidentaly" leak any relevant information to the public.

Almost at the same time “Martha Pires”, who is also one of test group, enters the room.

Martha: "where is everyone?"

I guess the age of the corpulent Women at about mid-30s , maybe older. The dark skin reveals her Mediterranean ancestry. She is a mother of two children and a trained nurse. A home-accident has led to her unemployment and she's here because of the good paymant, same as me. She shows little interests to the project itself. She seems balanced and often thoughtful or absent, but not worried. In terms of clothing, she seems to prefer compfortability over style, whitch dosn't mean, that she is clothed poorly. A kind woman.

Nicolas: "Most of them had an extensive testing period today, i guess they are relexing now."
Sammy: "Or, they are still writing on their report."

Sammy responds while putting his portable game console away and reaching out for his pad, to check the reason for its beeping.

Martha: "This late in the evining?"

Since there is a conversation emerging, the flikering of the TV-screen feels disturbing and i turn it off.

Nicolas: "The Projekt is in its end phase, the upper bisnes floors are putting pressure on the developement."

Sammy: "Even the Prof' seems to be stressed lately."

To everyones surprise, Raul aweakens from his slumber, and proclaimed in a dozy tone:

Raul: "Hey, i was watching that ...

... [How in the world did he noticed?] My indignant astonishement must be cleartly seen on my face, because Sammy, as he turns to me, says with a mocking gesture:

Sammy: "He is Telekommunikations-"Spezialist", he must have a sixth sense for things like that!"

Raul: "... nnhhh ... What?"

Sammy: "I said, you drooled while you were sleeping."

Raul: "... i was not sleeping! ..."

Sammy: "Then you drooled, while you where “not” sleeping."

Raul wipes his mouth with a slightly puzled look on his face.

Nicolas: "Lindsay wiped it away already, she had mercy on you."

Lindsay's shocked look, and Rauls surprise, wich he expresses with his whole bodey as he lookes over to her, are priceless. Even imagining, that she would do something like that, is absurd. [Have i overdid it? ...] a slight smile flew over Lindsay's face, as sche turnes back to her book without any further comment. [... No.] She got the jocke.

Raul: "...Yea-Yea, just laugh about the old man."

He said it with facked disapointment.

Sammy: "There, even the Ice-Queen is smyling on that ..."

[That was tactless ...] But Lindsay manages to give him a proper response:

Lindsay: "Its Ice-"Prinzess", please. I am to young to be called a “Queen”."

She is actually older than me, but looks younger.

Martha: "Mr. Samuel Boldwin, that was not verry nice of you! If you would be my son, i would have sent you to your room already."

Sammy: "Oooh – dont be so strickt with me, Momy!"

This guy does really have a cheeky gab. But although his jokes often come at the expense of others, they are mostly harmless, and most people are fine with it. This evining he maneges to put on a smile on everyones face. He does have this ability, to infect other people with his mood. Though, its pretty unplesent when his mood is bad ...

Generally im surprised, how well the most of us get along with each other. After all, we are a motley group of people who could not be more different. Had the psichologists consider our charactaristical campatibility during the selection process? [I wonder ...]

Would the long-term test strengten this sensitive cohesion, or place it on a hard ordeal? [Maybe both ...] Well, for now it isn't evin certan, wich virtual enviroment will be choosen for us. So its probably to early for speculations.

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