- Prologue:
the year 2073 ...
doesn't look good for the world. Sociaty havn't learned anything from
previous centries.
is continuously drowing earths ressources without care.
The wars
about raw materials are growing more and more fierce.
ruthless yield of the eart, wich led to devasteting disasters and the
use of weapons of mass distruction have already made vast areas of
the planet uninhabitable.
On the
coast of south Asia, people are fleeing from earthquakes and
tsunamis. In west Europe, terror attaks on chamical plants had turned
whole areas barren. The civil-war in south-Amarica is the bloodiest,
human kind had ever seen. Given the desparate situation, numerious
militant groups are constantly born and provoke even more conflicts.
is tired!
with desperation and powerlessnes people wished for a Garden of eden.
A save heaven for their tortured souls, to indulge a little peace.
And so,
they created one ...
brilliant minds of this world created counless of places like that,
where the privilaged could let their soul dangle for a reasonable
fee, and let the problems of the world, to the world:
Worlds", or in short, “VR”
over a dacade, the "Cyber-Diving" has become a cult-term in
the co-called “zivilised world”.
The Cyber-Diving (short "C-D")
ist a method that allows a human to “log-in” in to a virtual
enviroment. For this an apparatus ensures the direct exchange of
information between a computer and the human brain, withot the
necessarity of any input devices.
The User
percives the virtual world as real, as his body lies dormant in a
dream-like state.
The human
mind is suggested here, that it is asleep, but it is still possible
to retain full control inside the simulation. Perfect luzid dreaming,
aside from a view risks.
Since the
virtual world is being percived by the human mind as real during the
C-D's, it does not see the Pixels, or the imperfect 3D Models, but a
totally "realistic world". The reason for that is the
so-called "Dream-Paradigm". Wich is a natural process of
the mind, to fill the holes during a dream. It tries to blend out
unnatural things, or simply helps to ignore them. This way it is
possible to see impossible constructions or wierd creatures, and not
being surprised about it.
While the
Dream-Paradigm is playing an essential role durring a regular dream,
its mearly a helping asset to raise the Immersion durring C-Ds. But –
and that's one of the risks – if the user is mantally unstable,
then the holes could pe filled in an unconventional way, wich can
lead to totally reallistic Nightmares and has already caused
numerrous permanent mental and physical dameges and even death, due
to cardic arrest.
In the
beginning there were alsonumerrious accidents, due to the barely
tested technology. Naturally, there is a high possibility for
addiction too, depending on the mental state of a user.
all this, the ciber-diving studios are enjoing great popularity.
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